A world-class care home. A home where you can receive full nursing care with respect and compassion. For when you need more than just a helping hand.
“Nurse Maude have been with us since the beginning and we have had amazing care over that time.“
For the people who live in the Nurse Maude Care Home, it’s a place where they can have a sense of purpose and receive quality nursing care provided in a safe and compassionate environment.
Long term care is funded by the Ministry of Health. Talk to your GP, public hospital, or other health professional about being referred to our care. Private care is also an option.
We welcome visits from those who are considering full supportive care. Please phone the Nurse Maude Care Home Manager or email to arrange a visit.
03 375 4145 carehome@nursemaude.org.nz
Nurse Maude has cared for the people of Canterbury since 1896. While much of our nursing and care is in the community, complex health needs demand excellent care. The Nurse Maude Care Home is founded on the partnership, respect, compassion and nursing excellence. Our job is to make a real home for our residents … a place where they can enjoy the same sense of purpose, fun, meaning, control and dignity as they would in their own homes. We also offer respite care with a seamless transition to long-term care if needed.
The Nurse Maude Care Home is a 75-bed facility specialising in long-term hospital level, residential and palliative care. People are referred by their GP or other health professional and residents have their needs assessed by Older Person's Health and means tested by Work and Income (WINZ) before admission.
Residents can be attended by their own GP or have one of the Care Home's doctors look after them. Nursing, physiotherapy, activities, volunteer support, hairdressing, podiatry and pastoral care are all available. Vacancies are posted on the Eldernet website daily.