We have designated Māori staff members who work determinedly and effectively in the background educating staff and informing management of issues.
We have designated Māori staff members who work determinedly and effectively in the background educating staff and informing management of issues.
Their role also includes connecting with Māori hauora organisations and working collaboratively with government agencies to deliver on New Zealand’s He Korowai Oranga: Māori Health Strategy and more recently Whakamaua – Māori Health Action Plan 2020-2025.
The Nurse Maude Hauora Māori Plan is designed to ensure that the Māori populations in the regions we serve, benefit equitably from Nurse Maude’s services. It is specifically designed to address our own development requirements to ensure our ability to achieve equitable service outcomes for Māori kiritaki.
Nurse Maude holds consumer hui each year for Maori and Pasifika. This initiative provides feedback about our services and assists in the development of service brochures that capture the interest of specific kiritaki (consumers).
We collect ethnicity data of kiritaki (consumers) to build a picture of the uptake of services and health outcomes of Māori (and Pasifika) so we can understand the disparities in healthcare delivery, and how they can be addressed.
Nurse Maude holds consumer hui each year for Maori and Pasifika. This initiative provides feedback about our services and assists in the development of service brochures that capture the interest of specific kiritaki (consumers).