A range of resources from Nurse Maude to help you learn more about our services and organisation
You may find this range of resources useful. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, including business requests for multiple copies.
You may find this range of resources useful. Please don’t hesitate to contact us if you have any questions, including business requests for multiple copies.
If you are looking for care or support for yourself or a loved one, you might find these links helpful.
Nurse Maude offers a series of Specialist Palliative Care Training for Nurses throughout the year
Kowrowai is an education programme for whanau and caregivers
We are committed to working smarter and getting things right for everyone, our researchers contribute to some impressive work across the Health and Disability sector.
We work on a variety of projects ranging from clinical research to health service evaluation and planning. Since 2009 we have worked on projects with more than 20 organisations including the Ministry of Health, District Health Boards, NGOs and a variety of community-based health service providers.
For more information on past research and to discuss your research needs, please contact the Research Team.
Medication solutions – carousels and eBlister packs
Our research has helped us understand the challenges of medication delivery and find innovative and game-changing solutions.
Murray served as Chair of the Nurse Maude Board from 1995 to 2015 and is currently Chair of the Foundation and Chair of the Finance & Audit Committee.
Shaping experiences that increase wellbeing and mental health. VR allows sedentary residents to engage in experiences like re-visiting the Eiffel tower or strolling through the neighbourhood of the childhood family home that they haven’t seen for decades. VR has the ability to create new mental, emotional connections. To spark intrigue a sense of wonder and provide experiences that help people connect with their emotions in a life-affirming way. Nurse Maude has been researching this technology and has introduced it into our Hospice, with great results.
To access statistics on shared patients for your practice, request support with training, clinics or supplies, or be added to the Practice Notes newsletter, please email marketing@nursemaude.org.nz. To discuss the care of a specific patient, please contact 03 375 4200.
If you are looking to practice in New Zealand you need to apply via the Nursing Council of New Zealand, you may be invited to participate in an orientation and preparation course and take the objective structured clinical examination as part of your registration process, you can find out more on the Nurse Maude Simulation & Assessment Centre website.