District Nursing

District Nursing

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We’re so grateful…

"All your hard work does not go unnoticed . . . mum was close to tears when she was speaking of you and the care and support you provide her, we are so grateful for your help”.

A woman in a blue scrub is smiling and holding a clipboard

While our principles and values haven't changed, nursing has been transformed by continual advances in training, research, and technology.

Nurse Maude provides a diverse and specialised range of nursing services backed by a significant investment in training, technology and support services to meet the needs of our patients and clients.

Get in touch

Just let your GP know that Nurse Maude is your preferred provider for all nursing and specialty clinics. These services and any prescriptions required are free of charge.

The Nurse Maude Story

District Nursing Services

We want the best for you. Our team of Registered Nurses, Enrolled Nurses and Health Care Assistants collaborate with your GP, Practice Nurse, ACC and other agencies to provide you with a comprehensive, free, nursing service.

We also have a range of Specialty Clinics.

Specialty Clinics

Services Provided

  • Wound care
  • Compression bandaging
  • Negative pressure wound therapy
  • Continence management
  • Medication management
  • Palliative care and support
  • End of life care
  • Community IV therapy
  • Heart Failure Monitoring
  • Tunnel Drain Management

ACC Home Nursing

  • If you have had an injury related to an accident you may require ACC home nursing or receive care in our Specialty Clinics.
  • We can provide all nursing, continence, stomal and allied health ACC related care.
  • Referrals can be made directly to us either by your GP or hospital. Alternatively, ACC can refer straight to us with a claim number to referrals@nursemaude.org.nz
  • All ACC care is delivered at no cost to the client.

Acute Demand Liaison Service & the Home Dialysis Service

The Acute Demand Liaison Service

The Nurse Maude team works with Christchurch Hospital's Acute Demand Service to assess patient suitability for discharge.

Home Dialysis Service

The Nurse Maude team work with you and the Home Dialysis Unit at Christchurch Hospital to provide haemodialysis support.

Care ranges from needling and connection so patients can manage their own dialysis, to a full service which includes assessment during the dialysis period, connection and post dialysis cleaning.

You can contact the Home Dialysis Service at dialysis@nursemaude.org.nz

How can we help you?

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