We’re proud to be a large, diverse healthcare organisation dedicated to serving our communities across Canterbury, Nelson/Marlborough, and Wellington.
Sibylla Emily Maude (1862-1935) was a formidable and selfless woman whose standard of nursing was ahead of her time. With singular devotion, she established a district nursing service, combatted influenza and impacted the lives of Christchurch’s most vulnerable. Her legacy is alive and well through the work Nurse Maude does every day.
The Foundation was established in 1989 and provides financial support for Nurse Maude’s projects and initiatives that are not easily able to be funded elsewhere, including major building projects like the Nurse Maude Hospice.
Here at Nurse Maude, we are privileged to be guided by a Board which combines professional business, medical and clinical expertise. Our Board meets monthly and more detailed information on our Board’s objectives and strategy, governance, and financial position are set out in our Financial Accounts and Executive Report.
2008 – Present
David has been a partner in the law firm of Saunders & Co since 1989 working principally in the commercial and property law fields. He is a trustee of the Christchurch Cancer Foundation. David held the position of Board Chair for the Nurse Maude Board between 2016 and 2022.
ONZM, RN, BA, MA (Hons), PhD
2013 – Present
Cathy is an Associate Professor and currently the Executive Dean in the Faculty of Health at the University of Canterbury. She has extensive experience as a nurse in New Zealand, the United Kingdom, and as a nurse educator and manager. She holds a PhD in Nursing from the University of Newcastle. Cathy does consultancy work in NZ and the South Pacific for a number of nursing education providers and the Nursing Council of New Zealand.
MNZM, BSc, PGDipSci, NZRD, MBA (Otago), CMInstD
Board Chair
2007 – Present
Jane has held executive and senior roles in the health system and local government, leading developments in community, mental and public health. She is a registered dietitian and has substantial governance and operational experience.
QSM, B.Com, F.C.A., C.M.C., MInstD
1988 – Present
Murray is a chartered accountant specialising in consulting to the tourism industry. He was a partner in Ernst & Young and its merging firms for 25 years, Director of the firm’s national management consulting activities for seven years and established Ernst & Young’s tourism consulting practice. In 1995, Murray retired from Ernst & Young and set up M R Compton & Associates Limited to specialise in consulting to the international accommodation sector.
Murray served as Chair of the Nurse Maude Board from 1995 to 2015 and is currently Chair of the Foundation and Chair of the Finance & Audit Committee.
2013 – Present
Dr John Hudson has recently retired as a principal at the North Avon Medical Centre and is a Fellow of the Royal New Zealand College of General Practitioners. John has been a director of the After-Hours Surgery, and was a founding director of Pegasus Health Ltd, a leading Canterbury Primary Health organisation. John has received the Pegasus Group award for outstanding contribution to General Practice.
2021 – Present
Kia ora Koutou Katoa
Ko Jane Huria Toku Ingoa
Ko Hohepa Huria Toku Tipuna
Being Ngāi Tahu, Jane affiliates to Ngāi Tūāhuriri. Jane is a Distinguished Fellow of the IoD and in 2012 she was awarded a Companion of the NZ Order of Merit for her services to governance.
With a commercial background in law, insurance broking, financial markets and market research, Jane has found her diverse experience useful in her board roles over 30 years in the commercial, Crown, Iwi and not for profit sectors. Having also taught and consulted in governance throughout New Zealand and internationally, Jane is committed to the benefits of good governance and to working with excellent people with shared purpose.
B.Com, CA (PP), CMA
2022 – Present
Andrew has more than 20 years of experience as a chartered accountant advising small and large businesses alike from launching new business, navigating through various growth phases, mergers and acquisitions, to succession and exit strategies.
Andrew’s voluntary work has included governance roles as a board member of charitable trusts in the health and education sectors.
2023 – Present
Tēnā koutou katoa
Ko Hana Royal tāku ingoa
No Ōtautahi ahau
My name is Hana and I am a Māori GP working in Canterbury. With other hats I also sit on the Pegasus Health Charitable and Membership Boards and am currently undertaking a PhD in Public Health.
Grad Dip App Mgt
2010 – Present
Mark has worked for 35 years in the ICT industry and is currently Director of Digital Foundation Services at the University of Canterbury. Mark holds a post graduate qualification in Applied Management.
We have designated Māori staff members who work determinedly and effectively in the background educating staff and informing management of issues.
The Hub is the Nurse Maude Contact Centre, here to help and connect you to the right person. Call The Hub if you have any questions about your service, need to reschedule an appointment or you are going on holiday and won’t need us for a while. If in doubt, call The Hub, they are trained and ready to help.
Nurse Maude welcomes your feedback, compliments, and complaints to help improve our services. Please call, email, or use this form to get in touch.
For all clients (ACC and non-ACC) a referral from a health professional, for example, your GP is required. Find out more information here or contact us. For Care Home residents, your needs will be assessed by Older Persons Health before admission, and you will be asset means tested by Work and Income (WINZ).
Privately Funded services. If you would like to pay privately for Nurse Maude Homecare services or to be a private resident of the Nurse Maude Care Home, please contact us on 03 357 4200 to discuss your needs.