Sometimes, maintaining your independence requires a little extra support. It might be to recover from an accident, surgery or to live safely at home. Nurse Maude offers Homecare Services throughout Canterbury, Nelson Marlborough and Wellington Regions.
“Our support worker was amazing, and we really appreciate her kindness and consideration. Our heartfelt thanks for everything you do.“
Whether you're recovering from an injury or surgery, or want to live independently in your own home, sometimes a little bit of tautoko/help makes a huge difference.
Nurse Maude Homecare services might be just what you need. With a referral from your GP or other health professional, one of our registered Nurses will partner with you and your whanau/family to develop a care plan that suits you. Plans can be reviewed anytime at your request.
Our Homecare services in Canterbury, Nelson/Marlborough and Wellington are free and include
CREST stands for Community Rehabilitation Enablement and Support Team. Their aim is to enable older people to live well at home and in their community. CREST is a free service in Canterbury.
CREST provides support for up to 6 weeks until you can manage on your own or with support in your own home. Services include nursing and home-based support services, occupational therapy and physiotherapy.
Health professionals can arrange a referral to the CREST service. For example, referral can be from Hospital, an after-hours surgery, or a general practice.
A Nurse Maude case manager is then allocated to each CREST client. The case manager, the client and their whānau/family create a rehabilitation programme which includes short-term goals and a care plan.
Community providers, such as registered nurses and trained support workers visit clients at home to deliver the rehabilitation programme. CREST provides up to four visits a day, seven days a week.
CREST monitors each client’s care and progress to make sure they’re meeting their goals.
Nurse Maude works in partnership with Access Home Health for ACC Personal Care and Household Assistance, and the Serious Injury Service for those needing more intensive care following an injury.
A Registered Nurse overseas the team providing your care, addresses any queries, liaises with ACC and arranges any further support that may be needed.
Ask your GP or health professional to specify 'Nurse Maude' on the referral form if you would like to receive your care from Nurse Maude.